“¡Y que ricos que están! ¡qué son los últimos y los «más» mejores!… [“So delicious! Few to go and the “more” best!] hawked down La Laguna stately streets and in other Tenerife towns the unmistakable vendors of these delicious pastries, which they carried in big balayos [flat baskets] over a pad on their head…To bake them at home you’ll need:
- 300 grams of flour
- 1 tablespoon of baker’s yeast
- 1 small cup of vegetable oil
- 1 cup of water
- 1 teaspoon of aniseed
- 1 cup of dry white wine
- 1 teaspoon of salt
- 1/4 kilo of sugar
- Grated lemon
- Frying oil
- On a clean table, put all the flour in one single round heap. In the centre, pour the yeast little by little and then with the tips of your fingers mix them together.
- Then add the cup of oil, the cup of water boiled with aniseed, wine and salt and blend it all well.
- Allow the dough to settle and then make circular shapes and fry them leaving plenty of room for each in the pan.
- When they are all fried, use ¼ kg of sugar and water to make a syrup, adding grated lemon. Cover the pastries with the syrup. Now, a little patience and…just enjoy these delicious rings!
Source: Recetario práctico de Dulces y Licores Canarios de Alma Hernández. Editorial Insular Canaria, S.A año 1982