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The Mesa house was built in the middle of the 18th century and then remodeled in historicist style, giving it its present appearance, at the beginning of the 20th century. From its original masonry it preserves the facade with the coat of arms of the Mesa family, descendants of the conquerors of Tenerife, who enjoyed great benefits in the distribution of land for that reason. The interesting marble coat of arms bears a crown that recalls that the family was decorated with two titles of the
kingdom, the marquisate of Torre Hermosa in the 17th century and that of Casa Hermosa in the 18th century.

It also bears the date 1599 in memory of the participation of Captain Lope de Mesa in the defense of Gran Canaria against the Dutch corsair Pieter van der Does in that year.

The building is known as the former School of Nava La Salle, since it was used as an educational center for multiple generations during decades.